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Great Information!! : African Wild , Egypt and Middle East Cats


African Wild Cat, Egypt and Middle East cats: 

Six thousand years ago Egyptians domesticated the African Wild Cat to control mice and rats raiding granar.
From these tamed animals, the domestic cat was bred. Although it is an agile tree climber, this cat spends most of its time on the ground. The Pharaohs revered cats, and many statues of wild Egyptian cats were found in the tombs of kings and pharaonic monuments.

In a tiny pocket of Africa's wilds elusive animals make a living in the hidden underworld to survive and escape the most ruthless of predators all the time looking for food just stay alive for this small feline defenseless termites make a juicy entree in fact he could survive all his life on meals of such insects although he can eat anything off the bone as well a handful of bugs will keep the wildcat satisfied for at least the next few hours fat digests slowly.
The Wildcat curls up to sleep above ground his bed is not as secure as the others.

Typically feline the hunter goes through each phase stalk house fight a silent kill a good meal for the cat suddenly he hears a rasping noise. 
He possesses extremely well developed hearing organs able to detect the most imperceptible movements before the source appears interview the cat takes