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Tips you should consider before getting One of a maine coon breed


 Tips you should consider before getting One of a Maine coon breed 

Disadvantages of the Maine coon breeds

Maine Coons are indeed amazing, We all know that Maine Coon cats are calm, devoted, and playful cats. They're not on top of you all the time, but they are loving and gentle. Maine Coons are perfect for families with children, and they get along with other pets. but we also need to discuss their disadvantages

Number 1: They can be too active for the average person.

Sadly, most adults nowadays are super busy, and that's problematic since Maine Coons are pretty active. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying energetic cats make bad companions; they're simply not a good match for busy persons. So if you don't have the time to play with your cat daily or take Kitty on walks, it's best to look for another, less active cat.

Number 2: There's a high chance your Maine Coon will become mischievous if bored.

Your Maine Coon could do anything to get your attention, from chewing electrical cables to throwing things on the floor or shredding your curtains. And let's not forget that Maine Coons are intelligent! In this case, you'll have no option but to play with Kitty, no matter how tired you are!

Number 3: Their health isn't their strongest suit.

Maine Coons are prone to developing a severe health issue called HCM. HM causes the progressive thickening of the heart's left ventricle and can lead to sudden death. The condition isn't curable, but the medicine can prolong the affected cat's life if detected early enough. Sadly, the doctors haven't been able to identify all the genetic mutations that cause this disease. In fact, there are only two identified mutations; one in Maine Coons and the other one in Ragdolls..

Number 4: They need large homes.

Since Maine Coons are large and energetic cats, they should only live in big houses. That's a bummer, I know, but we should put the well-being of our pets first

Number 5: They need walks or cations to be happy!:

Maine Coons should also have access to a safe catio to be properly entertained. Leash walks are a great alternative if you live in a quiet neighbourhood. But if you can't offer your Maine Coon a safe outdoor experience, it's best to choose another cat

Number 6: Maine Coons shouldn't be left alone for too long.

Maine Coons do best in a boisterous household, so if you don't work from home, at least get your Maine Coon another furry companion.

Number 7: Maine Coons aren't considered a great choice for people allergic to cats.

Unfortunately, there's no hypoallergenic cat breed out there, but some breeds do better than others. Maine Coons aren't known for producing fewer allergens than other cats, and they have a dense coat. Males typically produce more allergens, which is another thing to consider. The good news? You can manage to live with a cat even if you're allergic, provided your allergy isn't severe. Still, you'll need to consult with your doctor before getting a cat if that's the Case

Number 8: Their coats can be high maintenance.

Fully-grown Maine Coons should be brushed several times a week to keep their fur tangle free. That's quite a big commitment, and it's definitely something you should consider before getting One

Number 9: You should also bathe your cat occasionally

 And you should brush your cat 2 or 3 times a week

Number 10:A Maine Coon cat costs between 800 and 2000 dollars.

That may seem expensive, but If you can't afford to buy one, there's some good news! You can always adopt and pay almost nothing, and you can even find Maine Coon cats or Maine Coon mixed cats at shelters Adopting an adult cat is another great idea.

But let's not end things on a negative note! The absolute best thing about the Maine Coon is his brilliant personality
