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True story :could barely walk,she look bent in half but no one help


 True story: could barely walk, she look bent in half but no one help

True story :could barely walk,she look bent in half but no one help

She could barely walk, she look bent in half, she slams into the concrete but no one help!!

(This is a true story about a poor dog being given up by its owners, but thank God for Mr. Sally and the other team who could help and save this poor dog, Great thanks for animal lovers.)

I got a video call for help a poor dog. Her video put ants in my pants for helping.She could barely walk - her front leg gives out.

(suspecting it's fractured), and the other seems to have a distemper tic from having survived the monster disease.As a result, she slams into the concrete Killing her 'owners' with kindness, Dog Warrior,Joyce Cruz 'worked it' and got them to give her up.

After letting her know that her name is Puppet (thank you, thank you, Sally Mars for donating and naming her!) She is now getting love, good food supplements.Taking an x-ray of a constantly moving object has it's challenges.

Gigantic thanks to Goumao, Dr Juan and Martha for walking the talk of, helping those in need and coming in after hours to check on her! She is so lucky! And we are, too

That is some crazy X-ray! Sweet Puppet has scoliosis, crooked verterbrea,fused vertebrae, degeneration of muscle and bone due to the distemper tic.Plus, her kidneys have been altered. This poor girl deserves the primo of quality of life.

Day 25:

It's the distemper tic that makes her move like that. She is a survivor of distemper. Puppet seems to be happy and is smart,and also lays in place when asked to do so.Her front leg is not broken, as we worried.

Day 38:

Puppet being as playful as every puppy should be destined to be.From the looks of it she runs the show! Not letting any obstacle get in her way of having fun with her buddies!

It makes our hearts happy seeing how carefree,she is and how far she has come knowing now,she knows what a true home feels like where,she is loved and cared for the way she should have always been.

This is what love, care, patience looks like.You bossy little nugget, keep at it Puppet!

Day 50:

Puppet got to visit the vet today for her vaccines, third multiple, and bordetella. Also, for being a distemper survivor in her short life.

She is taking vitamin B complex, to boost her system and help with that tic of hers and she is doing sooo good!

Day 68:

Knuckleheads!. The puppet who survived distemper and has the involuntary tic movement, Lara, the black and white pup who survived being so sick, and the dinky one, Lemur making the surprise appearance - she survived goopy eyes, tons of tics, severe dehydration, and distemper.

Day 100: 

Little miss Puppet has moved on to a fabulous milestone! She is much more stable with her leg and is not having her jaw hit the floor as often! This is really wonderful! Our hearts feel so good seeing her progressing so much! Honestly, it's been hard to see how she has struggled and we just hope this gets better and better!

 8 months later: The day has arrived! The puppet who is all grown up now has arrived at her sanctuary! She still has her bounce that used to make her jaw slam into the ground, but now that she's bigger/taller, that doesn't happen anymore, thankfully.

She will have lots and lots of friends, from furry to feathery on her ranch, and we are so HAPPY for her new life!
