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Meet two face cats with pics

 Meet two face cats

Chimera cat 
Pictures of Chimera cats
What is a cat with two colours?! 
What cat has two colours on face ?!
Do Chimera cats have any health issues or problems ?!

Chimera cats are cats with a special genetic makeup and often have a completely different coat color and sometimes pattern on one side of their face than the other. Venus, for example, has one side of its face black and the other side orange, with a clear dividing line in the middle.

Chimera cat or Venus is the name of the most famous cat on the planet.American tortoiseshell cat is from a rare breed. she looks rather two-faced .Venus has two face ,whose face is half black and half orange ( red tabby) . She is also has a different-colored eyes Venus Chimera cat has amazing eyes ,one eye is green and the other is blue.she has a real beauty with her two face . 

Venus was found on a North Carolina dairy farm in 2009

Chimera cats generally do not differ from other cats in terms of their behavior or health. They are simply a wonderful example of the diversity of life on our planet.they look very unique ,While their unique appearance may attract the attention of animal lovers around the world.
