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(True Story) She is so scared to human who mistreated and tighten her neck with a steel wire for a long time .


 She is so scared to human who mistreated and tighten her neck with a steel wire for a long time .

We got urgent call for help a poor dog was left at the shelter for euthanasia! Heartless people abused her with a steel wire tighten her neck for long time. She will be euthanasia after hours from urgent called for help. The skin on the neck was scratched and the face was swollen. Immediately we come to save this poor puppy. 

Fortunately, The dog is still alive. We came in time. Rescued 30 minutes before euthanasia. We named her is Lucky. Lucky is on the way to the Vet. At the vet, the wound was worse than I thought, so The doctor took out all the deep inflammation. The surgery took longer than expected and it was serious wounds

Day 3: Lucky after having suture surgery, Recovered well from anesthesia and ate well .She's getting healthier. Lucky is such a sweet and gentle friend. But she's still shy and scared, she have long time on road to recovery.

Day 12: Lucky is getting better everyday. She's still treatment at the hospital. 

Day 14: Lucky is well fed in hospital, The Vet say She's even taking medicine very well.The neck surgery part is healing well .Still a bit of work to remove stitches. To be proceeded with neutering surgery They say it's a plan!

Day 23: Here's what today's Lucky looks like.

Woke up feeling like.. She's so cute even when she's curious. Lucky heal wounds, She is still eating good too. Took medicine well, potty and pad are perfect. Lucky will adopt to new family soon.

Day 29: Lucky the neck is healing up. But still in the corners like they're punished. When Looking at Lucky who curves and sits and gives the sad look, My heart hurts so so much!

Day 35: Lucky finally discharged!

Day 40: Our Lucky finally found her home.

Today is the first day at new home. Hope she gets better soon so she can go out for a walk.She ate some thin chicken food, chicken breast, and chicken milk. Lucky feel relaxing after a bathing with medicinal shampoo!

Lucky is safe now with humans who love her so much
